Newsroom Editorial Standards

Impactful is dedicated to creating and distributing informative data journalism to the world’s news outlets. Since 2015, we’ve combined data analysis with in-depth editorial context to provide a unique way of telling stories that are easy for publishers and readers to understand.

Our readers and publishers trust us to maintain our high data analysis standards, fact-checking, and editorial integrity in all our content.

Impactful’s newsroom comprises teams of data journalists: researchers who analyze data and writers who provide context for that data for our readers. Every story begins with a thorough examination of various public and private data sets. Our editorial team then takes that data and adds rich insights and images to create engaging stories through different formats, such as rankings, lists, and data visualizations.

In addition to data-driven stories, Impactful independently curates lists that provide context for historical events, explain current news stories, or deepen our understanding of the natural world. Whether highlighting important moments in women’s history, examining statistics related to the U.S. prison system, or tracking historical weather events over the last 100 years, our team of expert writers and access to extensive image archives allow us to present unique perspectives on the world around us.

All Impactful stories are created using accurate information from reputable and credible sources based on objective, fact-checked, data-driven reporting. Our readers and clients can trust that these principles are upheld in our content.

The Impactful editorial team has final approval on every story we publish. We do not include any promotional content in our pieces.